UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has released the UPPSC APS Exam 2023 for the positions of Additional Private Secretary (APS). To prepare passionately for the exam, students must have thorough understanding of the UPPSC APS Syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, and other data related to the examination. The UPPSC APS Exam Pattern is divided into three papers, each having a written test. We have discussed the full UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 in this article for the candidates who are planning to take the UPPSC APS 2023 Exam.

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UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 

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The UPPSC APS 2023 Syllabus for the Additional Private Secretary (APS) job is given in the table below. Aspirants must have an in-depth knowledge of the syllabus topics for the examination so as to develop a successful preparation strategy. Examine the detailed UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 and you can get a hardcopy of the syllabus.

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 Full Details

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023
General KnowledgeAbbreviations Famous Books and their writers History (with reference to ancients, Medieval & modern India) Science Geography (Related to U.P.), Geography (Related to India) Indian Constitution Sports Important Cities, Memoirs & Buildings (With reference to India) Important events (National & International) Arithmetic (Class VIII level)
General Hindiअपठित गद्यांश और प्रश्नोत्तर तथा अपठित गद्यांश का शीर्षक संक्षेपणपत्र एवं कार्यालयीय विभिन्न पत्रों का आलेखन मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ तथा उनका प्रयोगविभिन्न शब्दों का एक शब्दवाक्यों का शुद्धीकरण पर्यायवाची तथा विलोम शब्द हिन्दी निबन्ध
Computer KnowledgeBasic knowledge of working on Windows System Platforms on desktops and laptops with peripherals like Printer, Scanner, Microphone and Speaker. Working knowledge of Microsoft office package (Microsoft word, Excel, Power point etc.) Conversant in the use of World Wide Web and popular websites (for Railway/Air Reservation, search engines like Google, information websites like wikipedia etc.) Working Knowledge of E-mailing (sending, sending with attachment, reading, saving, printing, maintaining address book etc.) Working Knowledge of preparation of presentations (power point, PDF etc.) with different styles and animations.

UPPSC Shorthand Typing Test 2023

Candidates must obtain a typing speed of 25 words per minute (w.p.m.) in both the UPPSC Hindi and English Shorthand Type Tests. Those who reach a slower speed will be disqualified. Candidates who achieve a speed of 25 w.p.m. will receive 10 points, and for each additional 5 w.p.m., they will gain an additional mark, up to a maximum of 15 points.

Important Links

UPPSC APS Recruitment 2023 Notification PDFPDF
UPPSC APS Recruitment 2023 Apply OnlineApply Online
UPPSC Official Websitehttps://uppsc.up.nic.in
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